What is a Heritage Consultant?

Heritage Consultants or Heritage Planners is a catch-all term for a professional with a background in the historic environment whether that is above ground historic buildings or below-ground archaeology. At Cheffins, we specialise in the historic environment above ground and work on a range of large scale and smaller scale projects, helping to advise on the potential heritage constraints and opportunities of a scheme.

Whilst our work can be wide ranging, our main aim is to establish what makes a place or building important and help effectively manage change, balancing the needs of the client with the conservation of our historic environment.

All of our projects start with a brief and scope of works where we begin to understand what a client is intending to achieve whether that is alterations to their listed building or construct a new building within a conservation area or setting of a heritage asset. Our work usually starts with a site visit and historic research which can help us understand what is significant about a building or place, using historic maps, photographs and fabric analysis to understand its special interest.

We then assist in shaping the scheme, liaising with the client, planner and or architect to understand the proposed works and potential harm to the historic environment. The degree and extent of harm can vary, from removing historic features such as windows and doors, to introducing a new building in close proximity to a listed building, changing the way it is experienced. As part of the design process, we provide impartial advice as to what proposals we think will be most successful in gaining permission. Once the design has been agreed upon, we can help assess the potential heritage impact and present to the council how the potential harm of a scheme can be outweighed by its benefits such as bringing a historic building back into use.

Heritage consultants can help at every stage of a project, from advising on initial design ideas to engaging with the local planning authority through the planning process and helping clients successfully gain a permission.

What is the benefit of having a Heritage Consultant as part of a project team?

Ultimately the vast knowledge base of a Heritage Consultant makes them a vital asset to the design team when the historic environment is involved. Whilst planners and architects may have some experience working with historic buildings, Heritage Consultants can provide expert knowledge on understanding the significance of a building in addition to the legislation and planning policy surrounding the historic environment.

Both listed buildings and conservation areas are protected through the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. As it is a criminal offence to alter a listed building unless you have the necessary listed building consent in place, it is essential to make sure the correct process is followed. A Heritage Consultant can help provide an assessment of what works need consent and guide clients through that process.

As well as offering expert knowledge, Heritage Consultants can provide professional advice and correspondence with the conservation and planning officers at the local planning authority and statutory consultees and amenity groups including Historic England. Early engagement through pre-application meetings and correspondence, guided by a Heritage Consultant can help clients establish a good relationship with decision makers and shape proposals to ensure the best possible outcome first time without delay or additional money spent on appeals and redesigns.

At Cheffins, our Heritage and Planning team aim to make the listed building consent and planning permission process a smoother ride, helping to find a balance between the client brief and the council’s requirements. We can help to preserve our historic environment whilst effectively managing growth and change.

To find out more about the Heritage Planning services we offer at Cheffins, please click here or contact Emma Healey on emma.healey@cheffins.co.uk