Sometimes the planning process is not easy, and things do not always go to plan. When this happens, we are here to help, providing advice and guidance on the next steps.

While listed building consent should always be in place prior to the start of any works to listed buildings, the Heritage Planning team is on hand to help you if you find you need to obtain retrospective planning permission or listed building consent. Our Heritage consultants have strong relationships with case and conservation officers and we can work in in partnership with the local authority to find the best solution for you.

Whilst we understand our clients want to be granted permission first time around, sometimes planning is not straightforward. We can help you to understand the reasons for refusal and work to address and mitigate these through a revised application or move towards challenging the decision as part of a planning appeal. The heritage and planning team is experienced in appeal work, including written representations, informal hearings and public inquires and can recommend the best approach for a successful outcome.

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